Many businesses ignore their competition at their own risk. You need to know and understand those that you are competing with. In some respects your opposition will be successful; they have made mistakes that you can learn from, rather than repeat the same mistakes. Top sports men and women and top teams spend a great […]
Identify your niche market and find your point of difference. Buyers love choice – but not too much. But how do you stand out in a crowded market place? Standout and be different – but not too much. If all companies in one industry offered exactly the same then they would sell the same […]
Your Brand Oxford Dictionary: Brand:A particular identity or image regarded as an asset Branding: The promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design: Branding is Everything. Your Franchise will raise and fall on your brand, no matter how much expertise you have, how much advertising you and how much […]
At some stage during your franchise journey you will need to outsource some kind of products or services. These can range from the printing of brochures and stationary, to parts or ingredients and items or ranges of stock. You need to be able to guaranty supply or else you run the many risks with your […]
The first Franchise has been sold – well done. You have a Franchisee ready to go and keen to get started. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you’re now highly successful and all the hard work is over. In reality, you have just begun! Training Franchisees in proceedures and systems is now very important. […]
The business plan and business planning – words that strike terror onto the heart of many small business owners (and some big ones too!). Most people find this a bigger challenge that actually operating the business. The truth is you probably have most of the elements of the plan organised. Things like sales targets, budgets, […]
Are you a potential Franchisee? Purchasing a Franchise can be a very positive step in running a business and having the additional security that goes with being a part of a Franchise business. However franchising isn’t for everyone. You need to satisfy yourself that the franchise that you are looking to purchase is suitable for […]
Have you “Got What It Takes” There is no doubt that franchising is a good way to run a business. It has many attributes that make it appealing for both the Franchisor and the Franchisee. Like anything, there is more to franchising than meets the eye and it takes some effort and understanding to be […]
The Franchise Disclosure Document is one of the fundamental foundations of your franchise. Unfortunately – in some cases, the Franchising business model has been tainted by individuals seeking to make some quick money at the expense of others and in doing so have not only bought their own franchise into disrepute, but also Franchising in […]
Being a Franchisor and having a high level of Franchisee Management means not only running your own business, but looking after Franchisees as well. In many cases, Franchises grow to a stage where they employ specialist staff in roles that are focused on looking after and managing Franchisees. There are many benefits to managing Franchisees […]